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- Solar Heating and Cooling: Modeling, Design, and Optimization of Net-Zero Energy Buildings (2015, Hardcover) download DJV, FB2, DOC


Building energy design is currently going through a period of major changes. One key factor of this is the adoption of net-zero energy as a long term goal for new buildings in most developed countries. To achieve this goal a lot of research is needed to accumulate knowledge and to utilize it in practical applications. In this book, accomplished international experts present advanced modeling techniques as well as in-depth case studies in order to aid designers in optimally using simulation tools for net-zero energy building design. The strategies and technologies discussed in this book are, however, also applicable for the design of energy-plus buildings. This book was facilitated by International Energy Agency?s Solar Heating and Cooling (SHC) Programme and the Energy in Buildings and Communities (EBC) Programme through the joint SHC Task 40/EBC Annex 52: Towards Net Zero Energy Solar Buildings R&D collaboration. After presenting the fundamental concepts, design strategies, and technologies required to achieve net-zero energy in buildings, the book discusses different design processes and tools to support the design of net-zero energy buildings (NZEBs). A substantial chapter reports on four diverse NZEBs that have been operating for at least two years. These case studies are extremely high quality because they all have high resolution measured data and the authors were intimately involved in all of them from conception to operating. By comparing the projections made using the respective design tools with the actual performance data, successful (and unsuccessful) design techniques and processes, design and simulation tools, and technologies are identified. Written by both academics and practitioners (building designers) and by North Americans as well as Europeans, this book provides a very broad perspective. It includes a detailed description of design processes and a list of appropriate tools for each design phase, plus methods for parametric analysis and mathematical optimization. It is a guideline for building designers that draws from both the profound theoretical background and the vast practical experience of the authors., In this book, accomplished international experts present advanced modeling techniques as well as in-depth case studies meant to lead designers towards the optimal use of simulation tools for the design of net-zero energy buildings (Net ZEBs). The book discusses different design processes and tools used in designing Net ZEBs, starting from the fundamental concepts, design strategies, and technologies. These processes and tools are then evaluated by referring to four diverse Net ZEBs where the authors were intimately involved from the design concept to operation. The high resolution measured performance data from these case studies are compared with the predictions made using the respective design tools. Written by academics and building designers based in North America and Europe, this book provides a broad perspective on Net ZEBs. It is a guideline for advanced building designers that draws from both the theoretical background and the vast practical experience of the authors. Book jacket.

Read - Solar Heating and Cooling: Modeling, Design, and Optimization of Net-Zero Energy Buildings (2015, Hardcover) EPUB, MOBI, TXT

Other chapters deal with the bioclimatic concept in Vernacular Architecture; the major role which climate plays at different locations and how this can dictate the shape and form of the buildings and save energy; the importance of micro-climate and its various elements and usage; ventilation and its importance in buildings and the technology for modern architecture.Turn Attraction into a Long-Lasting, True Relationship With the power of the Five Elements, discover what you truly want in a relationship, find a lover who matches you energetically, and make your relationship longer-lasting and romantically charged.Earth's average temperature has risen by 1.5°F over the past century, and is predictable to rise another 0.5 to 8.6°F over the next hundred years.Destiny Signature Series Strategy Guide provides gamers with 100% campaign walkthrough with strategy for every strike.After a brief introduction on the issues concerning the design process in the third millennium, Part One examines the differences between Zero Energy, Green, and Smart Buildings, with particular emphasis placed on the issue of smart buildings and smart housing, mainly the envelope and how to make it more adaptive with the new possibilities offered by nanotechnology and smart materials.It transforms engineering-level design information into practical tools that can be used by technical students and professional contractors alike.Nuclear weapons discourse shows surprising continuity favoring non-provocative postures under strong civilian control.