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Book The Friendship Garden: Project Peep 3 in EPUB, FB2, PDF


Anna and her community gardening friends spring into action to help raise baby chicks in the third book in the Friendship Garden series. When Anna moved to Chicago, Kaya became her first real friend, so for her birthday Anna is determined to give Kaya the best present ever The problem is, the thing Kaya wants more than anything is a pet, but her parents have a strict no-pets rule. Then Anna remembers that Mr. Hoffman's third-grade class just hatched baby chicks Anna decides that rather than sending the chicks back to the farm, she'll convince her teacher to let the Friendship Garden raise them, so Kaya can have a pet of her own. But raising chicks is no easy task. It requires supplies (that cost money) and building things like a coop and a run. How is Anna supposed to get everything ready "and "keep it a surprise...especially when Anna and Kaya usually hang out every day? Kaya begins to suspect "fowl play" and assumes Anna is ditching her as a friend Anna feels terrible and what was supposed to be the best birthday present ever quickly turns into the worst one. Will Anna be able to come up with a way to win her best friend back before the chicks get sent back to the farm for good?

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Who were the women (and men) behind Betty Crocker, the most successful, but nonexistent, cookbook autor in America?This anthology selects stories from the late Victorian and Edwardian era including one of the Violet Strange stories by Anna Katharine Green, known as the "mother of the detective novel;" one of the Loveday Brooke stories by Catherine Pirkis, featuring an early private woman detective; and a story by the Australian writer Mary Fortune, who had written more than 500 detective novels by the time Edward VII came to the throne."A model anthology.Detailing both the leading fashions of the day and the appeal to painters of timeless classical dress, this book considers both those who led taste and the influence of international fashions of the period.Published to accompany an exhibition that will open at Buckingham Palace in May, In Fine Style features works by, among many others, Rembrandt, Rubens, Lely, and Holbein, and is the first book to examine Tudor and Stuart fashion through the use of art., This superbly illustrated book provides a fascinating insight into the costumes and fabrics of theTudor and Stuart age.Things are different now, aren't they?From the stoning of Stephen to Nigerian Anabaptists persecuted by Boko Haram today, these stirring accounts will inspire greater faithfulness to the way of Jesus, reminding us what costly discipleship looks like in any age.This book is approximately 97,000 wordsA general s wife and a slave girl forge a friendship that transcends race, culture, and the crucible of Civil War.Winner of the second Wonder Prize, I MEAN I DISLIKE THAT FATE THAT I WAS MADE TO WHERE brings us Sophie Seita's playful translations of one of Germany's most innovative contemporary poets, Uljana Wolf.My teenage daughter wants to know why I'm against pot when it's legal in some states.