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FAA Handbooks: Aviation Maintenance Technician Handbook-Powerplant Vols. 1 & 2 by Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) Staff DJV, PDF, TXT


FAA handbook provides knowledge for earning the Aviation Maintenance Technician certificate, Powerplant section. The FAA General test questions are drawn from this book (FAA-H-8083-32)., This new FAA AMT Handbook- Powerplant (Volume 1 and 2) replaces and supersedes Advisory Circular (AC) 65-12A. Completely revised and updated, this handbook reflects current operating procedures, regulations, and equipment.This book was developed as part of a series of handbooks for persons preparing for mechanic certification with airframe or powerplant ratings, or both - those seeking an Aviation Maintenance Technician (AMT) Certificate, also called an A&P license. An effective text for both students and instructors, this handbook will also serve as an invaluable reference guide for current technicians who wish to improve their knowledge. Powerplant Volume 1: Aircraft Engines, Engine Fuel and Fuel Metering Systems, Induction and Exhaust Systems, Engine Ignition and Electrical Systems, Engine Starting Systems Powerplant Volume 2: Lubrication and Cooling Systems, Propellers, Engine Removal and Replacement, Engine Fire Protection Systems, Engine Maintenance and Operation, Light-Sport Aircraft EnginesIncludes colored charts, tables, full-color illustrations and photographs throughout, and an extensive glossary and index., This new FAA AMT Handbook--"Powerplant (Volume 1 and 2)" replaces and supersedes Advisory Circular (AC) 65-12A. Completely revised and updated, this handbook reflects current operating procedures, regulations, and equipment. This book was developed as part of a series of handbooks for persons preparing for mechanic certification with airframe or powerplant ratings, or both -- those seeking an Aviation Maintenance Technician (AMT) Certificate, also called an A&P license. An effective text for both students and instructors, this handbook will also serve as an invaluable reference guide for current technicians who wish to improve their knowledge. "Powerplant Volume 1: " Aircraft Engines, Engine Fuel and Fuel Metering Systems, Induction and Exhaust Systems, Engine Ignition and Electrical Systems, Engine Starting Systems "Powerplant Volume 2: " Lubrication and Cooling Systems, Propellers, Engine Removal and Replacement, Engine Fire Protection Systems, Engine Maintenance and Operation, Light-Sport Aircraft Engines Includes colored charts, tables, full-color illustrations and photographs throughout, and an extensive glossary and index., This series is specifically tailored to provide the information necessary to prepare an applicant for FAA mechanic certification with airframe and/or powerplant (A&P) ratings. These textbooks are designed for use by instructors and applicants preparing for the FAA Airframe Knowledge and Practical Exams, but also serve as an invaluable reference guide for certificated technicians who wish to improve their knowledge and practice. Chapter structure has been designed to ensure consistent and efficient internalization of the material presented. Photographs and detailed drawings illustrate concepts, improve understanding, and increase retention. This volume of the series emphasizes theory and methods of practical application within the overall topic of the powerplant of an aircraft: the aircraft engine and the powerplant-related aircraft maintenance principles, fundamentals, and technical procedures. It discusses the elements that comprise the systems that bring fuel, air, and ignition together in an aircraft engine for combustion. It also covers engine construction features, lubrication systems, exhaust systems, cooling systems, cylinder removal and replacement, compression checks, and valve adjustments. The specific topics addressed include Aircraft Engines, Engine Fuel and Fuel Metering Systems, Induction and Exhaust Systems, Engine Ignition and Electrical Systems, Engine Starting Systems, Lubrication and Cooling Systems, Propellers, Engine Removal and Replacement, Engine Fire Protection Systems, Engine Maintenance and Operation, and Light-Sport Aircraft Engines.

Read FAA Handbooks: Aviation Maintenance Technician Handbook-Powerplant Vols. 1 & 2 in DOC, MOBI, EPUB

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